Monday, May 30, 2016

Stocking Up

Yeah, so apparently I'm not good at routine.
I had every intention to blog for a whole week on food budget, but days passed and I got more and more behind. I still want to share with you on my shopping trip for the week though! In one of my last posts I told you I was out of a few staples and was planning a shopping trip. Here's what I bought:

Carrots, celery, butter (enough to hold us over since it wasn't on sale), dry beans, salted sunflower seeds (a great go-to snack), napa cabbage, spaghetti sauce, tuna fish, 2 dozen eggs, and a 50lb. bag of whole wheat flour (not pictured).

Total: $62.38

Supper that day was stir-fry, using the cabbage, a few carrots, and ingredients I had on hand such as rice, steak, and I can't remember the rest. I think I used some of the sunflower seeds, too.

I still had the ham bone and some extra meat leftover from the ham I had cooked earlier in the week, so I used that to make soup using the carrots, celery, and beans I had bought. There was enough soup for a supper and leftovers for a couple of lunches. 

The rest of the miscellaneous items were for stocking up purposes and most of them are still sitting in my pantry waiting for use. I still have some carrots and celery in the fridge and they are being eaten as snacks. Carrots and all homemade ranch dip, or celery with peanut butter. Yum!

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