Monday, January 16, 2017


Here I'm nearing the end of my second pregnancy and I'm not even sure I know what nesting is. I always thought it was a high-adrenaline sort of urge to clean. Unlike so many women out there, I'm not a cleaner. I can't stand it. I would rather be doing almost anything else. But knowing baby is almost here, I feel like I have a duty to keep a nicer house and get things all in place since I won't be doing much after the birth, so I have been trying to keep myself busy by straightening the house. I'm kind of at the point where "if it's going to get done, I'd better do it now". Today I finally am ordering the birthing supplies I've been needing to have on hand....

When I was pregnant with Adam I remember one time I might have been nesting. It was an evening where right before bedtime I did get an urge to get things done and clean the house. That was weird. It kind of surprised my husband, but he encouraged it and even helped some. I'm sure he thought I was being ridiculous as I love my sleep dearly and here it was me who wanted to skip out on some shut-eye to get something done! It ended up lasting less than two hours and never showed up again. 

Today I felt kind of productive as I got both bread and yogurt made this morning and did a batch of dishes! Notice I said batch. It has been a daily goal of mine for almost a week to catch up completely on dishes. I came so close to making it several days ago, but I'm behind again. I have plenty enough to do to keep me occupied these last three weeks if I can just find some motivation and not be forgetful of what needs done! And now I'm starting to feel bad for wasting toddler's nap time right now... I should go run a load of wash and keep chipping away at my list of tasks while I'm not exhausted and before the day is gone. Maybe I'm nesting? Or just not exhausted today because I've had a nice relaxing weekend? Or maybe it's that chocolate kicking in. 😜 

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